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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Try a Hair Trend: Natural Hair

We know natural hair is more than some trend, but it looks like its going mainstream. According to Vogue Italia’s recent profile of the natural hair movement, black models with natural hair is the new trend at the forefront of high fashion catwalks. This is a major milestone for natural hair women everywhere. A few models like Alek Wek and Noemie Lenior withstanding, rarely have we seen beautiful natural-haired black models on the runway, who really look like us and rock their textured coifs with regal pride.
Tons of famous black models have ripped the runways with long flowing hair, however, fashion designers and editors are now requesting some of their models to ditch the weaves for the runway while recognizing the beauty that comes from black women being au naturale.

This is what Vogue Italia said:
It is uplifting then to see the newest pack of Black models storming the catwalks in full embrace of their natural hairstyles, from cropped Afros, flat tops, to buzzed scalps--and in turn being embraced by the industry that has typically approached Black hair with skepticism and harsh critique.





These images on the catwalk have reverberated from blogs, editorials and even red carpets in Hollywood (where Viola Davis proudly displayed her TWA) where natural hair is lauded and celebrated. Only time will tell if this trend will span from the catwalk to ads, movies and the like, but the runway is a valiant start.

Are you going natural soon?


  1. Well women will always wear weaves regardless

  2. Natural hair is still taboo. Just because models rock it on
    the runway doesn’t mean woman are not still being passed over
    for jobs and are still being stared at by other women
    (yes other black woman) like we are crazy for leaving the
    house with our hair looking the way it does.

    1. aRE BLACK WOMEN being passed over a job because of their natural hair? NOW thats hard to belief. I live in Belgium and I am rocking natural hair since I was little. All my work mates love it and I wouldnt change it for the world. Maybe in America???

    2. Well it is still sort of taboo. If I walk around with my natural fro people still look at me funny regardless in europe or america


  3. relaxers, braids, weaves, natural, texlaxed, cornrows, pressed, flat ironed, bumped… how about black hair is just diverse! we are all beautiful trend setters regardless of how we wear our hair

  4. I swear im tired of seeing blonde black girls…Gurl…sometimes i snarl and make the crazy face..like REALLY!!

    If u wear weave..IMO. Make it look natural and MATCH your hair!

    1. OMG..... HATER! I wear blonde and I look fab

    2. There always has to be one insecure chick in the bunch.

      If your not natural, so be it! DO YOU!
      Have a whole dump trunk full of seats

  5. "Will BLACK people ever accept natural hair?" is the question. From personal experience, we are our own worst enemies on the hair issue.

  6. The main subject is how ever u wear your hair please just take care of ur own! I work at a hair restoration center and I see so many beautiful black sisters with theses beautiful weaves, front laces, braids , locks, n colors and they are 15- 75% bald where they're hair doesn't come back n they need hair transplants n come the loss is so server we can't do much with them. We as black women are known for our hair n the rate these wig/ weaves/ Brazilian shops are going all our hairs going to be on the floor!! Embrace what ur parents n grandparents gave u n if u rock a weave take care of ur hair! Weaves/ extensions weren't not ment to be left in for 6 months at a time.


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