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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Discussion: Will you be Rocking A Pair Look With Your Boyfriend

Alexandra Burke seems to be off the market again. After a split from another football player, Jermain Defoe, she's been spotted on a romantic break in Milan, Italy with footballer Dominique Jean-Zephirin. It looks like she was smitten as she held hands with the French-born Haitian footballer. The pair even wore co-ordinating ensembles as they walked around the streets of the Italian city and that is not the first time they did that and it might not be the last. What do you think? Would you ever rock a "Pair Look" together with your boyfriend? Enter the discussion after the jump:

We hear in Korea, where coordinated couples are a cultural phenomenon, it is quite common for young couples to ask their partners to dress in matching outfits as a symbol of their commitment and matching clothes are a natural rite of dating in the Korean culture. “Pair Look” means two people wearing intentionally matching outfits. Their pair look consists of matching cardigan sweaters over white button-up shirts with bow ties and colorful matching Laundry backpacks.

Some may find it childish while others find it very fashionable. Tell us, have you ever wore clothes "Pair Look" style with your partner?


  1. The Koreans are taking it to a WHOLE other level


  3. Only once, we wore matching ducktape suit/dress to prom.

  4. My style would look retarded on him unles he digs ugg boots and fun bright graphic tees and tanks with super skinny tight jeans

  5. It looks cute on Alexandra and her boyfriend and horrible on the korean couples... In that case not for me :D!

  6. I think it's cute. However, I prefer going with the same colour combinations versus wearing the exact same outfit.

  7. this is soo gay and corny!

  8. Matching to the tee, is a bit too much but cordinating color schemes is fine.

  9. don't know any guy that wants to wear matching clothes with his spouse or girlfriend. Tacky

  10. I dont see why people find Robert Pattinson CUTE? I mean c'mon son..... anyway the thought is kinda cute

  11. Alexandra And her boyfriend lookc ute together

  12. I like all their outfits


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