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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hair: How Often Should I Shampoo my Hair?

You should shampoo your hair at least once a week. I know there are people out there who shampoo less often; some much less often. I know there are some women who rely on their stylists to shampoo their hair and if they only go in twice a month, then that's when their hair is cleansed.

Your hair picks up soil from the environment as well as the products you put on it. Even if your routine is minimal and you don't place a lot of oils or creams on it each day, it still gets dirty. Black hair needs moisture, including moisture from water that you take into your body as well as water that you put on it.
When you shampoo, your scalp should be your main focus, with your hair following closely behind. You need to wash away any buildup, oils, products and dirt. Shampooing once a week is enough to get rid of the soil without stripping your hair of the natural oils it needs. If you exercise frequently or wear your hair in a wash-and-go style, you can conditioner wash between shampoos. It doesn't matter whether your hair is natural or relaxed. A weekly shampoo is good for the health of your hair and scalp.



  1. I dont really like to wash my hair it makes my hair look all crazy and nappy

  2. Dont you like nappy hair

  3. Nappy hair is BAD, I dont care what people say!


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