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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Nailz: 'breathable' nail polish For Devout Muslim Women

Someone has come up with a 'breathable' nail polish that is thrilling Muslim women because now the devout, conservative ones can color their nails. They're not supposed to wear nail varnish because it messes with the whole idea behind pre-prayer wudhu (ritual ablution) whereby every part of the body (hands, arms and face) must be washed, and ordinary nail polish covers the nails.

Muslim professor Mustafa Umar explained on his blog The Evolution of Ideas that there is 'nothing intrinsically wrong with wearing nail polish,' the real issue is that this substance forms an impermeable barrier over the nails preventing water from getting underneath. For years, women have been required to either remove and reapply polish for prayers every day, or wait to wear it during the week they have their period - when they're not allowed to pray.

But, Mr Umar said, 'this usually indicates to another person that a sister is undergoing her period, which can be very embarrassing for others to know.' The urge to wear nail polish on a regular basis has become so strong, however, that some women have taken to to wearing stick-on nail polish that can be easily peeled off.

The O2M polish uses a polymer used in some contact lenses, which allows oxygen and moisture to penetrate to the nail. A student of Mr Umar's actually tested the product's validity by painting one swatch of regular polish and another of O2M's enamel onto a coffee filter, placing a clean coffee filter underneath. When the polish dried, she squeezed drops of water onto each swatch, and waited ten seconds. The filter beneath the standard polish was dry, as was the backside of the filter it was painted on. But it easily soaked beneath the O2M polish, and even wet the second filter - proving it is in fact, breathable.

Great business opportunity as far as I'm concerned!


  1. If they are so devout why would they want to wear nail polish?

  2. Well, forgetting about religious reasons to wear it, I think it might work for me! I can't wear regular polish because of dermatitis

  3. Not allowed to pray during their period? How could a woman believe that's OK.


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