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Monday, October 10, 2011

Why are 67% of Black women overweight?

Black women have been demonstrated to suffer the ravages of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and renal failure in greater severity than the general population. Several studies have found that hair care issues have some effect on Black Women’s excercise patterns.
A study conducted by the Wake Forest University Bapstist Medical Center in America found that many black women in general stay out of the gym to avoid damaging their hairdo’s, making the fight against the high rate of obesity among such women that much tougher. Hair stylist, fitness experts, and the popular media have noted hair concerns as a factor in low levels of physical activity among black women.


The Surgeon General Dr. Regina M. Benjamin says one of the reasons for the high obesity rate among black women has to do with our high-maintenance coifs. “Often times you get women saying, ‘I can’t exercise today because I don’t want to sweat my hair back or get my hair wet.’ "All women are probably concerned about their hair, but it is more pronounced among black women because they are trying to maintain hairstyles that are not natural. When you’re starting to exercise, you look for reasons not to, and sometimes the hair is one of those reasons.”

This is what Ed Kinard (personal trainer) had to say about this subject.” Being a personal trainer it is a real struggle to get my sistas to come workout with me or just to workout period. When I offer my services to black women the majority say they really need to exercise but the reality is that they never do...Everyone wants Michelle Obama's arms but no one wants to put to work in to get them."I mean really is having you hair tight more important then being 10 till 15 kilos over weight?"”

Top 5 Excuses Black Women Claim Why They Can't Workout
#1) My hair
#2) I got kids
#3) I'm too tired
#4) I don't have time
#5) I can't afford to

Not gonna lie, in high school I was definitely guilty of sitting out some outdoor P.E. periods or team practices because it was drizzling and I wasn’t about to let that blow out I got from the Surinam lady get jacked up! Do you think Dr. Benjamin has a point? Or is her reasoning totally bogus?

Do you also think that black women make to many excuses concerning exercising?


  1. Is it really all about the hair? We just eat to much :D

  2. Ergens heeft die dokter wel gelijk want ik sport alleen wanneer ik vlechten in heb :p
    Wat best wel slecht is maar tja

  3. The hair is purely an excuse for declining to exercise, it is not the reason for being overweight. Fat does not magically increase when you get you hair done. If you dislike having excess fat and want to get rid of it you will find a way to exercise without messing up your hair.

  4. But I think your hair needs to look fly no mather where you are, because ugly hair can really mess up a girls outer appearance. Offcourse weight loss 2 and it is important for your health, but personally Im happy with myself and I'll rather spend my money on my hair then go to the gym and mess it up .. you kno what I mean

    1. Fat messes up appearance just as much.

  5. Well I think Black women worry and complain to much. We always think about the consequences rather then thinking about what is good for us at that specific moment. I think we should stop making excuses for everything and get to work :D

  6. Why dont we all just go NATURAL!!! Thats better for our hair anyway :D

  7. I really dont have time to workout. It just takes to much of my time and money. I rather do home workkout videos

  8. I Love working out and getting my hair wet! Its actually very healthy, it makes your hair grow!

  9. OK? Is hair the real reason

  10. It's better to have ugly hair and be fit. Then to have ugly hair AND be fat.


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