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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Health: The Supermodel Workout

Finally, the swimsuit season is coming up. That means sculp your body time! Try this circuit routine from celebrity trainer David Kirsch, who has worked with top supermodels such as Tyra Banks and Veronica Webb.
The Moves...
The exercises can be done in your living room — no gym necessary. And the only piece of equipment needed is a light set of dumbbells. All five moves in the workout target several different areas of the body at once so you can get fitter, faster, without investing hours a week at the gym. Go through each move 15 to 20 times, and complete the entire sequence at least once for a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model-worthy workout.

Platypus Walk:
Start in a plie squat position, with your hands behind your head and your thighs parallel to the ground. Maintaining the position, walk forward. Keep your knees pointing out and your body weight resting on your heels.

Sumo Lunges:
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift your right leg and bent knee up and out to the side in a continuous motion. Land your foot out to the side, wider than you started, and immediately squat down. As you come up from the squat, immediately lift your right leg and kick it out, leading with your heel. Complete one set (15 to 20 reps) and switch sides.

Bent-Leg Deadlifts:
Holding a body bar, dumbbells, medicine ball, or even a broomstick in a pinch, stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Bend forward, hinging at the waist. Keep your knees soft and back flat. Come back to starting position. (Make it easier: If you’re feeling shaky, hold the back of a chair or the edge of a table for balance. Make it harder: If you’re feeling great, try lifting your alternate leg as you go down).

Place your hands directly under your shoulder and in line with your chest. Tighten your core and keep your shoulders and neck relaxed. Engage your triceps as you lower to the floor. Your body from shoulder to foot should stay tight and even.

Oblique Crunches:
Lie flat on your back, knees bent, and feet on the floor. Place your right hand behind your head and your left ankle on your right knee. Fix your gaze on the ceiling and slowly move your elbow towards your left knee. Return slowly to start position. Complete one set and switch sides.

Don't Forget To Eat...
And complement the workout with a healthy diet. “All of the exercises in the world won’t give you that buff bikini body if you are not eating and hydrating properly,” Kirsch says. Some of his healthy mainstays to lose weight are leafy greens such as spinach, broccoli, kale, and asparagus, as well as crunchy snacks of raw almonds, red peppers and celery.


  1. I need 2 sculp my body like RIGHT NOW

  2. i look very bad! i hope these tips will help


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