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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Health: How To Get An Olympic Body

The Olympic games are still on and all that we see are muscled and shapely legs, back, abs, and arms. There are very few of us who envy the sculpted beauty of an Olympic body. Wondering if you can ever get a body like that? Well stop thinking and get an olympic body ASAP! Ready. Set. Go!

Most fitness experts agree that most people have the potential to achieve an Olympic-worthy physique…if they’re willing to do what it takes to be healthy.

1. Learn how YOU need to train.
Everyone has a unique body composition: Some of us are built for speed, some for endurance. Figuring out what feels natural and what you’re best at will help you determine which type of exercise will work for you and feel better to you. Choose one or two activities that feel natural and that you enjoy. You’ll be much more likely to stick with it and see success.

2. Figure out what you want your body to look like.
• Do you want to slim down? Focus on nutrition and a routine of steady cardiovascular endurance exercise, with short bursts of speed called interval training.
• Do you want to build up your cardiovascular endurance? Try swimming, running, or cycling.
• If it’s speed you’re after, try adding sprints to your routine.
• If you only have a short time to work out, try circuit training, which consists of a series of resistance training exercises performed one after the other, with minimal rest.
3. Adopt healthier eating habits.
Every Olympic athlete will agree that diet should be the first focus for anyone hoping to improve physical well-being. Most agree that food counts for 80% of how fit your body is.

Experts all agree that nutrition is key in anybody’s life, from professional athletes to office workers. Both experts and Olympians say that instead of focusing on calories, people should eat more foods such as fruit, vegetables, lean proteins, and slow carbohydrates like brown rice and sweet potatoes are vital – as well as controlling the sugar content of the foods you eat.
4. Multiple times a day, eat a combination of protein and carbohydrates.
Your body needs a steady supply of fuel if it’s going to function at maximum efficiency. Eating frequently also increases your body’s metabolism, which means it will burn more calories. Olympic athletes eat five to six meals a day, with protein at each, to increase lean muscle mass and maintain maximum efficiency. So plan to eat smaller meals, ideally two and one-half to three hours between each.

A typical Olympian diet may include:
Breakfast: Eggs, a cup or two of berries, and coffee
Mid-morning: An apple and a protein shake
Lunch: A turkey sandwich packed with spinach and green and red peppers
Afternoon: An ounce of cheese and some wheat crackers
Dinner: Salmon, grilled vegetables and a cup of brown rice.

5. Monitor how you fit your clothes…not the scale.
Even if your goal is weight loss, the healthiest of regimens focus on decreasing body fat and increasing lean muscle mass, not a particular number on the scale. If your clothes fit great and you like the way you look in the mirror, it shouldn’t matter as much what the scale alone says. Instead of weighing in all the time, experts recommend measuring yourself every two weeks and checking your body fat once a month.
6. Drink plenty of water.
The body is made up of 60% water, which means it needs a regular supply to survive. According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), a fluid loss of even 2% body weight will affect circulatory functions and decrease performance.
The amount of water each person needs will vary depending on many factors such as underlying medical condition, physical activity level, and environment. The Institute of Medicine generally recommends about 91 ounces of total water (from drinks and food) on average per day for women and 125 ounces for men. Most water that we consume comes from beverages, but about 20% comes from food. Too much water can be harmful.

7. Include some weight training.
Strength and power are important components of any sport. Working out with weights will also reduce the loss of muscle mass that often occurs with aging. Even men in their 70s and 80s have put on lean mass in a relatively basic strength-training program.

Also, the NASM says that studies have shown no difference between those who do resistance training three times a week vs. those who train five times a week. So you really don’t have to train like an Olympian in the weight room. A little goes a long way.
8. Train regularly.
You will not find an Olympic athlete who is not extremely well trained. They don’t roll out of bed and win the 100-meter sprint or the 50 freestyle. They spend hours and hours of training of all sorts. Similarly, if you really want to get in shape, you need to be committed to working out most days of the week, depending on your goals.
9. Consider hiring a personal trainer.
In addition to an individually tailored program, personal trainers provide accountability and help you to see results faster.
But, if you can’t afford a trainer, seek out a friend or coworker who is as dedicated as you are to getting healthy, and train together. It really can help to just have someone there to push you. Did you know that even personal trainers need workout partners for accountability?
Good Luck!
Source: Blackdoctor


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